lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Be courageous.

Why do we limit ourselves?So much talk about being courageous, but then we let fear dominate us.

"What if this happens? What if it doesn't work? What if we do it wrong? What if they think I'm crazy?" 
Endless questions bombard us, until we decide to push away that dream we want to accomplish. Then do we not only pout and pity ourselves, but we keep questioning what our real meaning is. If you ask me, humans are intelligent. So intelligent sometimes we choose to act dumb. We're so intelligent we know how to avoid the hurt, avoid the risk and avoid the dream. But we're not intelligent enough to live by the truth on our own. 

So..what is the truth? The truth is that God never said this would be easy , never said it would be safe. He never said you would be loved by everyone, or that your ultimate goal should be fame. No. God said the road would be hard, risky and sometimes dangerous. He is a God of Wilderness, He is a God of no boundaries.So DON'T limit Him . And NEVER limit yourself.  If He lives in you, you'll accomplish unimaginable things; because by His side not only are we worth it all, but we are strong, valuable & endlessly loved. So don't even attempt to walk away from what you are meant to do, because God sees what we don't, and He wants you to succeed, He will never abandon you in ridicule or punishment. He promises to walk you through, as long as you trust Him. 

So BE brave & courageous, DO what you are called to do. At the end of the day,  is it more important what you did for men, or what you did for Him? 

"Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10  

jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

I like to take walks. Not for the romance in it, but because sometimes anxiety overwhelms me. I feel trapped inside my four walls, I feel so small & weak.. Taking walks makes me feel like I have the power, it makes me feel like I'm strong enough to face my problems an deal with them.. But really, I take walks to runaway. I'm too SCARED to face my problems. The fear of not being in control consumes me & I forget who really is in charge. Not me, but HIM. I don't have to be afraid. Sometimes He'll ask us to simply walk away from our problems. No, not runaway. Running away has to do with letting our problems be in control and scare us away. Instead, walk away. Walk away in full confidence that what you are leaving behind isn't for you. Walk away knowing your life is in the hand of Someone Greater than it all, and trust that what you're losing is to make way for something GREATER. It won't be easy, but it'll be WORTH IT.

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

In Your Hands

Sometimes I'm too weak to try. Sometimes I fake a smile, when all I wanna do is cry.
There are times where I feel like running away, like disappearing for a while. But that's when You come along, take me by the hand, twirl me around and lead me to Your Cross. There, you show me Your wounds, bullets You took for me. It's here at the Cross where I can lay my hurt down, where my tears hit Your feet, where You pick up my heavy heart. 
In your hands, you wipe away the dirt. You gather my broken pieces and I watch you mend them together.

With amazement I watch, and with wonder I let silence reign. With no words, you gently wipe away the taers from my eyes and place in me the completely new and healed heart.

That's when I realize, no pain is greater than Your love.

It’s a new morning. Before dawn and before the people rise, Heaven’s secrets remain hushed. Angels are sent from above and they fly throughout the earth. With their glorious melody, they awaken the birds and bloom the flowers. They pour out drops of dew and sprinkle frost. They give courage to the warriors, they add strength to the sick. They comfort the lonely, they celebrate with the joyful. As the sun rises, the angels dance; for they know they’ve prepared a new world of possibilities and chances: a path to choose and a light to follow. The journey has only begun, and the angels smile down as eyelids gently start to open. The sun rays reach the ends of the earth and the people know: a new morning has begun.

viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

Hang on to the Cross.

Change. That feeling like you can't control your surroundings, when you feel like everything that you've ever known is suddenly left in the past and it never bothered to say goodbye. Sometimes you don't even see it coming. It takes away everything you have and leaves you deserted, crying out for light, for assurance. When you see it creeping in to your comfort zone but it's too slow to matter, it's too slow to cause harm… and suddenly, while you're not looking, it'll leave you wandering around in this estranged world. Change hurts. It produces fear, ache and tears. That empty, painful feeling inside that you're being forgotten, that those important people in your life are slowly leaving you behind… Or maybe it's you that is moving forward. There are changes that happen to the heart, changes that will build you up in to the person you're meant to be. Those heartbreaks won't last, those heartaches will disappear. The challenge is to stay strong in those moments of downfall, to hold on to those love strings of the people that really matter to you. Because the worst part of letting go is realizing it's more than a see you later, it's a goodbye. Memories still remain but there are only a few people that will keep you sane, only a few that will be there when everything seems to be falling apart. Change is a chain that leads to something more. Don't get caught up in your surroundings, look inside and see what the heart is going through when you realize who are those special people that stick beside you in this never-ending chaos. Not all change is bad.

¿Amor perdido...o encontrado?

Llevo mucho tiempo pensando en qué es el amor verdadero...

Amor superficial: el que te hace sentir amado un momento pero al rato el sentimiento pasa...No dura. No puedes asegurar que mañana te sentirás igual. Es ese tipo de amor que por los muchos "te quieros" detrás solo hay gente que quiere hacerte daño, o solo quieren el placer de agradar para que obtengan tu corazón, te lo usen, te lo rompen y te lo devuelven en trozos...Ese amor es el superficial. El que sentimos casi todos los días.

Muchos de nosotros no nos damos cuenta de que este amor no vale la pena...Yo lo sé porque lo he vivido, y no es algo que quiero repetir. Pero a lo largo del tiempo, a pesar de los dolores de corazón, he encontrado algo nuevo y algo que siempre se quedará conmigo...

El amor verdadero. El amor de DIOS. Irremplazable, eterno y lleno de paz. Este amor es el único estable que cada día me hace sentir que la vida vale la pena, soy algo especial en los ojos de Dios. Este amor no se puede describir, es algo que se tiene que experimentar.

Sí, he perdido el amor de muchos otros pero he encontrado este amor que no dejaré que se escape jamás. Este amor verdadero me despierta todos los días con una sonrisa y con la voluntad de seguir adelante, me hace querer gritar al mundo la felicidad inexplicable que tengo. Este es el amor de Dios, que me brilla el mundo en los tiempos más oscuros y me hace sentir alegría.

Nunca lo has experimentado? Pues te lo estás perdiendo. En vez de vivir esa vida de malgasto y vacío, cámbiala por la vida que Dios te puede dar- lleno de amor, paz y alegría.

Pincha aquí para ver esta foto.

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Why smile?

Life sometimes doesn't seem right, like we roam around the world
Having the worst feeling, not knowing who you are.
Like you're here, but you're really not
As if the water in our bodies disappeared and the only thing left
Is a soggy old heart, that doesn't know the meaning of love.
Times like these, we ask why smile?

Because a smile makes you forget
Because a smile is a sign for life
Because a smile leaves warm footprints
In the deep ends of your heart
Because a smile means the world
Because a smile is contagious
And it makes you remember you are loved.
Because a smile makes you want to float to heaven
It makes you want to give and want to love
Times like these...we should ask, why not smile?

Butterfly, just fly.

She's hidden under this mask
And it doesn't seem that it'll last
All the way to the end.

Sometimes she feels like being herself: an innocent butterfly
roaming through a garden full of life
Always looking for love.

But someone might just catch her
And take her down.
Down the alley of quarrels
Down the alley of cruel minds.

She lives by love, but she can't love herself. How could she survive in a world like this?

What other see is her reflection from the outside,
Not what is happening in the inside,
A heart that is searching, a hear that is living for something bigger than life.
Don't let anyone say you can't, because you are more than what they say.
You have one chance to live out this life, live it by loving the way you are made,
loving the way you are, loving the way you love.