jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

I like to take walks. Not for the romance in it, but because sometimes anxiety overwhelms me. I feel trapped inside my four walls, I feel so small & weak.. Taking walks makes me feel like I have the power, it makes me feel like I'm strong enough to face my problems an deal with them.. But really, I take walks to runaway. I'm too SCARED to face my problems. The fear of not being in control consumes me & I forget who really is in charge. Not me, but HIM. I don't have to be afraid. Sometimes He'll ask us to simply walk away from our problems. No, not runaway. Running away has to do with letting our problems be in control and scare us away. Instead, walk away. Walk away in full confidence that what you are leaving behind isn't for you. Walk away knowing your life is in the hand of Someone Greater than it all, and trust that what you're losing is to make way for something GREATER. It won't be easy, but it'll be WORTH IT.

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