viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

Hang on to the Cross.

Change. That feeling like you can't control your surroundings, when you feel like everything that you've ever known is suddenly left in the past and it never bothered to say goodbye. Sometimes you don't even see it coming. It takes away everything you have and leaves you deserted, crying out for light, for assurance. When you see it creeping in to your comfort zone but it's too slow to matter, it's too slow to cause harm… and suddenly, while you're not looking, it'll leave you wandering around in this estranged world. Change hurts. It produces fear, ache and tears. That empty, painful feeling inside that you're being forgotten, that those important people in your life are slowly leaving you behind… Or maybe it's you that is moving forward. There are changes that happen to the heart, changes that will build you up in to the person you're meant to be. Those heartbreaks won't last, those heartaches will disappear. The challenge is to stay strong in those moments of downfall, to hold on to those love strings of the people that really matter to you. Because the worst part of letting go is realizing it's more than a see you later, it's a goodbye. Memories still remain but there are only a few people that will keep you sane, only a few that will be there when everything seems to be falling apart. Change is a chain that leads to something more. Don't get caught up in your surroundings, look inside and see what the heart is going through when you realize who are those special people that stick beside you in this never-ending chaos. Not all change is bad.

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