sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Just wait.

The girl came up to me with her flower
She was proud and filled with power.
I went back home feeling forgotten
Because every girl had a flower but me.
The days went by and I felt lonely
Until my Prince came holding a bouquet of roses.
I felt stubborn because I doubted
Instead of going out and picking my flower
I waited and waited
Because I waited, I received more.

Sometimes life will tell you to rush. Rush in to relationships, rush in to decisions and it will rush your faith. If you believe that God had the perfect timing, He will give you what is His, and it's much more than what you could have done on your own.

This poem resembles a girl who felt lonely and forgotten because she hadn't received her flower, while all the other girl were proud and felt like they owned the world. But the girl waited. And at the end, her prince came and gave her a whole bouquet, instead of just one flower.

"Don't rush. Live in the present."

By Sarah Williams

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